“Adjusting You to a Better Quality of Life”
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Hapeman Rodriguez Chiropractic
“Adjusting You to a Better Quality of Life”

Our Services and Products
At Hapeman Rodriguez we have been in the Finger Lakes Region for almost 70 years. Our primary focus has been that of Chiropractic Care. We have over the years added other products and services to aid in our mission of “Adjusting You to a Better Quality of Life” Take a look around here to see some of the Products and Services we offer.
Elena and I are so thankful for all Donna does for us. Donna and Gill make use feel like family. We are so happy and feel amazing after Donna takes care of our health and the relationship we have created with them both. If you want a family member to take care of you, the way family would, then you need to schedule an appointment NOW!

Dan and Elena Schemerhorn
“Adjusting You to a Better Quality of Life”
Same Day Appointments are Available.